Thank you all for joining us again on the newest addition of the Watersheds and Wildlife Newsletter. Let me go ahead and start by thanking everyone for making our most recent events a massive success! We had a lot of events in a row, and it made us so happy to see the massive amount of support shown to us. On August 28th we held our final field day for the year, and for the National Fish and Wildlife project. This field day was called Bumble Bees and Berries and was held at both the Berry Patch Farm and Jennett Heritage Area. We were lucky enough to partner with Story County Conservation, the Story SWCD, and Monarch Joint Venture. We had a total of 40 people stop by to learn all about pollinators, orchards, and prairies.

Bumble Bees and Berries Event Activity
Chad Pregracke Presentation

On September 30th, in collaboration with the City of Ames, we hosted a river cleanup lecture by Chad Pregracke at the Ames City Auditorium. His talk then inspired us, and 26 other environmental enthusiasts to get our hands dirty and our feet wet, and do a massive cleanup in Ioway Creek on the 2nd.

Our largest event by far, however, was the 2nd annual Wild and Scenic Film Festival, again held at Ames City Auditorium on October 1st. This was a night full of inspiring films, partnership building, and showing support for conservation. We hope you all enjoyed the event, and look forward to next year’s show!

Iowa PBS Wild and Scenic Film Fest Presentation

On October 23, we hosted this year’s second Water Quality Snapshot, where volunteers helped collect vital data that we can use to evaluate our waterways. Starting in November our annual Native Seed Bank will be re-opening. We hope that this year’s seed bank will be able to help restore more acres than 2019 and 2020 combined! On November 2nd, we alongside Story County Conservation will be hosting a webinar to update the public on the progress being made towards Story County water quality monitoring.

Like always, for more details about all of our upcoming events, please follow us on social media, and visit the events page on our website. Thank you again for joining us and enjoy this edition of the Watersheds and Wildlife Newsletter.

Visit here to read the entire newsletter.