The calendar says FALL, but the weather has been summer-like for the most part. Even though, Mother Nature knows when to change the outdoor color scheme from a variety of greens to collections of golds, reds, and oranges. As we travel the Lincoln Highway Heritage Byway, the green fields of corn have all turned gold and farmers are busy in the fields. Harvest time. I love harvest time! Just watch for slow moving vehicles and give the large equipment room to maneuver on the road.

The kids might be back in school, but on the weekends there are many things to do. Several people have posted on Facebook that they are taking the Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad to see the beautiful views of the Des Moines River Valley near Boone. This is on my list of things to do this fall.

There are many Pumpkin Patches along the route for families to visit and to ride hayrack rides out to fields to select their own jack-o-lanterns. Many orchards also have apples ripe for the picking and my apples are going towards making apple crisp- it’s my favorite dish this time of year. My favorite orchard is the Berry Patch, just outside of Nevada (where I live), but there is also Allen’s Orchard in Marion, Buffalo Ridge Apple Orchard and Gardens to the east of Cedar Rapids, Deal’s Orchard outside of Jefferson, William Orchard near Denison, and Dittmer’s Orchard and Welch’s Orchard outside of Council Bluffs. There may be more near you-just use google and get directions and hours for each.

Along with the Halloween theme are haunted houses or haunted forests. The Carroll County Arts Council/Community Theatre is hosting a Scream Forest on Saturday and Sunday, Oct 23, 24 and Oct 30, 31 from 7-10PM. Meet at Swan Lake Park at the East shelter. They advertise it as over a mile long walk of FEAR. Sounds really scary!! Find them on Facebook and learn more.

Ames holds their Haunted Forest at S 4th St. Admission is $14 for Oct 16, 17, 18 and $15 for October 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, and 31. More information at

The Periwinkle Place Manor in Chelsea holds Murder Mystery Dinners every Saturday and some Friday nights. Check out their website at for more information.

If you enjoy scary events, just google to find more events in your area. I know we are not listing everything available.

If real paranormal activity is more your “speed” (a little Byway humor), stop by the Niland’s Corner in Colo and talk to Sandii about the group that came to record activity at that location. It is quite interesting and might put a chill up your spine!

Whatever your favorite fall activity might be, get out on the Byway and enjoy yourself! This is Iowa and all too soon we will be into another season. Enjoy the Fall while you can and I’ll see you along the Byway.