Story County Soil and Water Conservation District
The Story County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is a part of the broader Soil and Water Conservation Districts of Iowa. These organizations were established to promote conservation opportunities in the county and to support Iowa Natural Resource and Conservation Service (NRCS) efforts.
The focus is on conservation, education, and awareness. Goals include:
• Increase the adoption of conservation practices to reduce erosion, improve water quality, and improve wildlife habitat.
• Support and administer federal and state conservation programs
• Foster collaboration with other groups.
• Improve commissioner development.
The mission of the Story County SWCD is to promote soil conservation and water quality to landowners, operators, and residents of Story County by providing technical information and financial assistance.
As Story County elected officials responsible for managing the activities of the district, board members are expected to perform the following duties:
- Hold regular meetings that conform to the state’s Open Meeting Law, Iowa Code Chapter 21.
- Develop an understanding of Iowa soil conservation laws as listed in Chapter 161A.
- Be aware of soil and water conservation conditions in the district.
- Keep in contact with the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship (IDALS) Division of Soil Cosnervation and Water Quality (DSCWQ) through correspondence, phone calls, and meeting attendance.
- Cooperate with United Sates Department of Agriculture NRCS and other federal, state, and local organizations.
- Establish acceptable soil loss limits for soil types in the district.
- Administer state and federal cost-share programs. This includes the Iowa Financial Incentive Program (IFIP), Resource Enhancement And Protection (REAP), and Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) programs as well as various federal programs that may be available such as Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) and Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP).
- Adjudicate soil loss complaints.
- Develop and implement annual work plans.
- Assist IDALS-DSCWQ with the selection of the conservation assistant and any other state employees that may be located in the district office, such as the state soil conservation technician and the state environmental specialist.
- Publish an annual report of the district accomplishments.
- Manage all funds, both state and district, facilities, and equipment consistent with the best interests of the district.
- Enter into maintenance agreements for conservation practices.
- Employ and manage district personnel.
To reach Story County Soil & Water Conservation District call (515) 382-4714 x.3
Story County SWCD Annual Reports and Newsletters