Iowa’s Lincoln Highway Heritage Byway created a new Corridor Management Plan (CMP) in 2016 to be used as a management tool. A CMP is a written document that serves as a long-range plan for a byway. It helps us establish the priorities for the byway and communities it passes through, allows us to focus our efforts on preserving and promoting the byway’s most important assets, and is vital for securing national recognition for the Lincoln Highway in Iowa.
The Process
Residents, business owners, elected officials, and community leaders were invited to participate in community input meetings in 2015. The ideas generated from these discussions as well as county and city comprehensive plans were merged to create a list of projects and programs. Since the Lincoln Highway Heritage Byway covers the State of Iowa, from east to west, there are statewide projects as well as individual county/city projects.
Maps are also included in the CMP, by county, showing the locations of the 6 intrinsic qualities that make a Byway (archaeological, cultural, historical, natural, recreational, and scenic). Community meetings were held again in 2016, asking attendees to verify the listing of intrinsic quality points, amenity locations, and to view and comment on the project and programs the Lincoln Highway Heritage Byway will undertake.
Included in the CMP
The CMP gives a background history of the Lincoln Highway, the Iowa Department of Transportation or county planned changes to the road, possible safety issues, and the projects and programs as well as funding opportunities to carry them out. It identifies stakeholders and partners, explains an economic impact study taken, includes marketing and interpretive plans, and blends all this information with photos, graphs, and tables.
The complete CMP can be found via the link below. Thank you for your patience during this process.
The Complete Lincoln Highway Heritage Byway Corridor Management Plan
Click here to see the 2015 community meeting schedule and the notes from past meetings.
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“Iowa Byways” and the Iowa Byways design mark are registered trademarks. The wordmark ‘Lincoln Highway’ is a registered trademark of the National Lincoln Highway Association.